Monday, 16 May 2022

16th May 2022


RPI to CPI and the 10%

I am on the train and have attended the APPG for Park Homes Meeting today.  A lot was said on many subjects which will be in the minutes that can be read later.

Currently  the important subjects  that affects every park home resident in the country, are RPI to CPI and the 10% Commission charge.  I know this is number one in the thoughts of residents as pricesescalate and it must be dealt with.

Sir Christopher Chope and Sir Peter Bottemley questioned this at some length.  I put everything forward that I could and voiced what I know are your thoughts on these subjects.The fact is, that the Department were not at liberty to give an answer today or divulge what is happening.

I pushed them as far as it was possible to go and I have been promised and given permission to tell you that they will email me direct next week with regard to RPI to CPI. 

I can guess at what might be happening - but it would be wrong of me to speculate. 
They are all very aware of how the residents feel and as soon as I hear from them, I will post to you all.

To get answers was frustrating - to say the least - like drawing teeth.
However I have their promise and I can also tell you that the 10% Commission Report is completed and will be published very soon.

I hope - very soon to bring better definite news on the promise that government has ignored for 4 years.

Best wishes

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